Hey, you actually checked out the about page! Thanks for your interest. I’m Reda, I work as a senior principal software engineer for a cyber security focused company. I’m currently based out of beautiful Quebec City, Canada. At my day job, my main efforts are spent building software that helps teams better triage discovered vulnerabilities across their organizations. Essentially, it allows them to focus on the important ones first.
I spend most of my free time reading and learning about different subjects including cyber security, retro computing and retro gaming. I also spend an unhealthy amount of time playing the electric guitar (98% metal, 2% rock if you have to ask) and looking at the sky through telescopes.
In any case, I have way too many hobbies to actually make good progress in any one of them. At least I stay busy and it keeps things interesting. This blog will be a collection of writings about interesting bits and pieces I do related to these hobbies. If it’s of any use to anyone, then great! It was totally worth the effort.
– redbay